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What is mVIP!?

Scion Sessions mVIP Program


Stay close to Scion Sessions to get the first line on all the special access mVIP status affords you.

With mVIP, Scion Sessions offers you special access to Sessions across the country and throughout the calendar. Get into shows and festivals on our guestlist, be one step closer to the bright-lights-big-stage, and the bands that set them off.  

By joining up with Scion Sessions and mVIP, we give you the chance at front-of-the-line entry to Sessions at this club and that dive, plus side-door access to the backstage areas all others are barred from. 

Scion Sessions offers special edition vinyl releases, made in collaboration with the finest bands and labels Canada has in its roster. mVIP reserves a copy of limited wax for your collection, and unlocks coveted music downloads and videos on

Scion FR-S

Scion Sessions Week